You’ve got only one shot at youth

Don’t miss it, and don’t blow it

Give up on your excuses

Find yourself and be yourself

Read and write and read and write

Pray and fast from six to six

Get some abs and grow some beards

Paint your eyes and hair and nails

Break some rules and set new ones

Speak your truth and never mind

Grind your strength and make it count

Tour and lose and find your way

Live alone and learn to thrive

Stand on all the right shoulders

Fall forward and rise again

Crack your heart and let it heal

Take more risks and tell the tales

Learn some skills​ and solve some needs

Start a cause and keep at it

Give and share and help and serve

Carve your niche and chase your dreams

Till the Big Overnight comes

When you’ll thank your inner child

For taking the right chances

To come alive

And live in time